Open Food Facts
Open Food Facts is a database of food products with ingredients, allergens, nutrition facts and all the tidbits of information we can find on product labels.
Made by everyone
Open Food Facts は非営利のボランティア団体です。
100.000+ contributors like you have added 3 000 000+ products from 150 countries using our Android,iPhone or Windows app or their camera to scan barcodes and upload pictures of products and their labels.
For everyone
食品に関するデータは公共の利益であり、公開されるべきです。 The complete database is published as open data and can be reused by anyone and for any use. Check-out the cool reuses or make your own!
Knowledge is power. Knowledge is power.
Decode labels
食品添加物 E番号, アレルゲン, 包装コード... Open Food Facts helps you to make sense of the fine print on products labels.
Find products
Our search form includes dozens of criteria so that you can find products that match your criteria.
Compare and change
脂肪と糖分が少ない朝食用シリアルをご存知ですか? In 3 clicks you can create an interactive graph to show it. So you can change for healthier cereals, and by comparing products from different brands, you encourage producers to make them better.
Explore and discover
食べ物に興味がありますか? Explore products by facets like brands, categories, labels, origins of ingredients etc. Facets can be combined to discover new insights, for instance to map the origins of ingredients that bear a fair trade label.
Our data can be reused for education, new products and services, research and more!
Open Food Facts データベースは、オープンデータベースライセンスに基づいて公開されているオープンデータです。 Anyone can use it for any purpose - commercial or non-commercial - provided the source of the data is attributed and improvements to the database are shared in a similar way.
今までに何本の食品CMを見たことがありますか? Open data can help to see the facts under the marketing.
あなたの料理に含まれる角砂糖の相当量を推測できますか? あなたの料理に含まれる角砂糖の相当量を推測できますか?
Products and services
Open Food Facts data can be reused in both non-commercial and commercial projects, as long as improvements to the database are shared as well.
Made Near Me
食べ物の産地を知って、 Made Near Me! で地元の食べ物を食べましょう!
Open Food Facts データは さまざまな分野の科学者によって使用されています (栄養学、生物学、Linked Open Data...) And you don't need a PhD to take part in citizen science!
The French National Nutrition and Health Program uses Open Food Facts to validate the formula of its nutrition quality score and nutrition grades.
私たちのデータ をチェックして、あなたのデータを作成してください!