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Fidelicios Vită - Maggi - 59,2 g

Fidelicios Vită - Maggi - 59,2 g

この商品ページは完成していません。既存の写真からデータを編集または追加したり、 Android または iPhone/iPad のアプリを使用して写真を撮影して、手伝ってください。ありがとうございます! ×

4820048616492(EAN / EAN-13)

数量: 59,2 g

ブランド: Maggi

カテゴリー: en:Plant-based foods and beverages, en:Plant-based foods, 乾物, パスタ, en:Dried products to be rehydrated, , 即席麺, en:Instant noodle soups

店舗: Profi

販売の国: 日本, ルーマニア




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    Nutri-Score(栄養スコア) UNKNOWN

    ⚠ ️Nutri-Scoreを計算するには、この製品の栄養成分表が記入されている必要があります。

    Missing nutrition facts: エネルギー, 脂質, たんぱく質, 飽和脂肪, ナトリウム, 糖類

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      Discover the new Nutri-Score!

      The computation of the Nutri-Score is evolving to provide better recommendations based on the latest scientific evidence.

      Main improvements:

      • Better score for some fatty fish and oils rich in good fats
      • Better score for whole products rich in fiber
      • Worse score for products containing a lot of salt or sugar
      • Worse score for red meat (compared to poultry)
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      What is the Nutri-Score?

      The Nutri-Score is a logo on the overall nutritional quality of products.

      The score from A to E is calculated based on nutrients and foods to favor (proteins, fiber, fruits, vegetables and legumes ...) and nutrients to limit (calories, saturated fat, sugars, salt). The score is calculated from the data of the nutrition facts table and the composition data (fruits, vegetables and legumes).

一人前の分量: 60.0g


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    37 個の原材料

    ルーマニア語: Fidea 92,9%: făină de grâu 68%, ulei de floarea soarelui cu conținut ridicat de acid oleic, gluten din grâu, sare, corector de aciditate (carbonați de potasiu), stabilizator (polifosfați); amestec de legume și condimente 7,1%: sare, potențiatori de aromă (monoglutamat de sodiu, guanilat disodic, inozinat disodic), zahăr, condimente și ierburi aromatice 2,4% (usturoi, ghimbir, piper negru, țelină frunze, pătrunjel frunze 0,2%, curcumă, chimen, dafin frunze, scorțișoară, mărar frunze), legume deshidratate 2,2% (morcov, arpagic 0,6%), arome, sirop de zahăr caramelizat, amidon din cartof, proteine hidrolizate din soia, ulei de floare soarelui.
    アレルゲン: セロリ, 小麦/そば, 大豆
    形跡: 卵, 乳, マスタード, ごま



  • E501

    Potassium carbonate: Potassium carbonate -K2CO3- is a white salt, which is soluble in water -insoluble in ethanol- and forms a strongly alkaline solution. It can be made as the product of potassium hydroxide's absorbent reaction with carbon dioxide. It is deliquescent, often appearing a damp or wet solid. Potassium carbonate is used in the production of soap and glass.
    情報源: Wikipedia (英語)
  • E627

    Disodium guanylate: Disodium guanylate, also known as sodium 5'-guanylate and disodium 5'-guanylate, is a natural sodium salt of the flavor enhancing nucleotide guanosine monophosphate -GMP-. Disodium guanylate is a food additive with the E number E627. It is commonly used in conjunction with glutamic acid. As it is a fairly expensive additive, it is not used independently of glutamic acid; if disodium guanylate is present in a list of ingredients but MSG does not appear to be, it is likely that glutamic acid is provided as part of another ingredient such as a processed soy protein complex. It is often added to foods in conjunction with disodium inosinate; the combination is known as disodium 5'-ribonucleotides. Disodium guanylate is produced from dried seaweed and is often added to instant noodles, potato chips and other snacks, savory rice, tinned vegetables, cured meats, and packaged soup.
    情報源: Wikipedia (英語)
  • E631

    Disodium inosinate: Disodium inosinate -E631- is the disodium salt of inosinic acid with the chemical formula C10H11N4Na2O8P. It is used as a food additive and often found in instant noodles, potato chips, and a variety of other snacks. Although it can be obtained from bacterial fermentation of sugars, it is often commercially prepared from animal sources.
    情報源: Wikipedia (英語)


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    認識されていない原材料: ro:fidea, ro:ulei-de-floarea-soarelui-cu-conținut-ridicat-de-acid-oleic, ro:polifosfați, ro:amestec-de-legume, ro:potențiatori-de-aromă, ro:monoglutamat-de-sodiu, ro:ierburi-aromatice, ro:țelină-frunze, ro:pătrunjel-frunze, ro:dafin-frunze, ro:mărar-frunze, ro:legume-deshidratate, ro:sirop-de-zahăr-caramelizat, ro:proteine-hidrolizate-din-soia, ro:ulei-de-floare-soarelui




    • この製品ページを編集して、材料リストのスペルミスを修正したり、材料に関連しない他の言語や文の材料を削除したりします。
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    認識されていない原材料: ro:fidea, ro:ulei-de-floarea-soarelui-cu-conținut-ridicat-de-acid-oleic, ro:polifosfați, ro:amestec-de-legume, ro:potențiatori-de-aromă, ro:monoglutamat-de-sodiu, ro:ierburi-aromatice, ro:țelină-frunze, ro:pătrunjel-frunze, ro:dafin-frunze, ro:mărar-frunze, ro:legume-deshidratate, ro:sirop-de-zahăr-caramelizat, ro:proteine-hidrolizate-din-soia, ro:ulei-de-floare-soarelui




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    認識されていない原材料: ro:fidea, ro:ulei-de-floarea-soarelui-cu-conținut-ridicat-de-acid-oleic, ro:polifosfați, ro:amestec-de-legume, ro:potențiatori-de-aromă, ro:monoglutamat-de-sodiu, ro:ierburi-aromatice, ro:țelină-frunze, ro:pătrunjel-frunze, ro:dafin-frunze, ro:mărar-frunze, ro:legume-deshidratate, ro:sirop-de-zahăr-caramelizat, ro:proteine-hidrolizate-din-soia, ro:ulei-de-floare-soarelui




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    手助けしたい場合は Slackのディスカッションスペース で#ingredientsチャンネルに参加したり、 wiki上の成分分析について学んだりしてみてください。ありがとうございます!

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    手助けしたい場合は Slackのディスカッションスペース で#ingredientsチャンネルに参加したり、 wiki上の成分分析について学んだりしてみてください。ありがとうございます!

    ro: Fidea 92.9% (făină de _grâu_ 68%), ulei de floarea soarelui cu conținut ridicat de acid oleic, _gluten_ din _grâu_, sare, corector de aciditate (carbonați de potasiu), stabilizator (polifosfați), amestec de legume 7.1%, condimente 7.1% (sare), potențiatori de aromă (monoglutamat de sodiu, guanilat disodic, inozinat disodic), zahăr, condimente 2.4%, ierburi aromatice 2.4% (usturoi, ghimbir, piper negru, _țelină_ frunze, pătrunjel frunze 0.2%, curcumă, chimen, dafin frunze, scorțișoară, mărar frunze), legume deshidratate 2.2% (morcov, arpagic 0.6%), arome, sirop de zahăr caramelizat, amidon din cartof, proteine hidrolizate din _soia_, ulei de floare soarelui
    1. Fidea -> ro:fidea - percent: 92.9
      1. făină de _grâu_ -> en:wheat-flour - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9410 - percent: 68
    2. ulei de floarea soarelui cu conținut ridicat de acid oleic -> ro:ulei-de-floarea-soarelui-cu-conținut-ridicat-de-acid-oleic
    3. _gluten_ din _grâu_ -> en:wheat-gluten - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
    4. sare -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058
    5. corector de aciditate -> en:acidity-regulator
      1. carbonați de potasiu -> en:e501 - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
    6. stabilizator -> en:stabiliser
      1. polifosfați -> ro:polifosfați
    7. amestec de legume -> ro:amestec-de-legume - percent: 7.1
    8. condimente -> en:condiment - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent: 7.1
      1. sare -> en:salt - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11058
    9. potențiatori de aromă -> ro:potențiatori-de-aromă
      1. monoglutamat de sodiu -> ro:monoglutamat-de-sodiu
      2. guanilat disodic -> en:e627 - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe
      3. inozinat disodic -> en:e631 - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe
    10. zahăr -> en:sugar - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 31016
    11. condimente -> en:condiment - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe - percent: 2.4
    12. ierburi aromatice -> ro:ierburi-aromatice - percent: 2.4
      1. usturoi -> en:garlic - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11000
      2. ghimbir -> en:ginger - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11074
      3. piper negru -> en:black-pepper - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11015
      4. _țelină_ frunze -> ro:țelină-frunze
      5. pătrunjel frunze -> ro:pătrunjel-frunze - percent: 0.2
      6. curcumă -> en:turmeric - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 11089
      7. chimen -> en:caraway - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
      8. dafin frunze -> ro:dafin-frunze
      9. scorțișoară -> en:cinnamon - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes
      10. mărar frunze -> ro:mărar-frunze
    13. legume deshidratate -> ro:legume-deshidratate - percent: 2.2
      1. morcov -> en:carrot - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 20009
      2. arpagic -> en:chives - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_food_code: 11003 - percent: 0.6
    14. arome -> en:flavouring - vegan: maybe - vegetarian: maybe
    15. sirop de zahăr caramelizat -> ro:sirop-de-zahăr-caramelizat
    16. amidon din cartof -> en:potato-starch - vegan: yes - vegetarian: yes - ciqual_proxy_food_code: 9510
    17. proteine hidrolizate din _soia_ -> ro:proteine-hidrolizate-din-soia
    18. ulei de floare soarelui -> ro:ulei-de-floare-soarelui





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